The latest newspaper from Inner Northwest Press features our club's Cambodian work with an article and pic of our sponsored student Sokhey, plus a mention in their editorial, namely "Keilor East Rotary Club shared stories of the inspiring work they've done in Cambodia."
The story, as sent, and the published version in pic, reads
Rotary help for deserving student

In rural Cambodia, desperately poor families will even cut back on their meals to afford high school for their teenagers.
The Rotary Club of Keilor East, based at Windy Hill, is helping out. It's using fund-raising from Bunnings sausage sizzles and annual art shows to pay for university and living costs for 19-year-old Sokhey.
Her father is ill. Her six-member family borrows rice from neighbours to live on and her mother pays it back by labouring at the harvest.
Sokhey had to repeat years at Future Bright International School because her jobs with caretakers, guards and cafes chewed up her study time. But she graduated last year and is studying catch-up English to prepare for Pannasastra University, where all course-work is in English. "My mother believes education can change my life," Sokhey's written to the club. " I want to learn, I want to change my life, and I love to help other people around me."
Contact: rotarykeiloreast.org