Phil O'Brien from RC Keilor East and Nola Spicer from Essendon RC
presented three bursaries of $1500 each to hardworking and talented students of the visual arts at St. Bernards College, Essendon on December 12.
Students who excel at school often receive awards and support, particularly if they have sporting process. However, students with artistic flair are often overlooked. We had great support from St Bernards College for our Art Show last year which included displaying artwork from local High Schools. www.monneevalleyartshow.com.au
These students were selected by the Art Coordinator of the College.
They are:
# Evander Tosone (Year 9), completing Art and Visual Communication and Design next year for year 10
# Jacob Menniti (Year 9), also an ongoing art student. He worked backstage for the ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ musical and has been a strong advocate for art/s at St Bernard’s College.
# Joel Hanness (Year 10). Planning for art in Years 11-12. For his bursary application "album cover", created a fully rendered 3D model in a CAD program and designed a webpage to support it.
The presentation was part of the Years 9 to 11 Awards night for students who excelled across all grades and subjects at the College.
This was the second year of bursary funding. Our commitment to funding bursaries reflects our appreciation of having the use of the St Bernard's stadium venue for the Moonee Valley Art Show in 2023 at no charge, and the support of College in venue management.
The bursaries are funded by the Art Show profits. We also received thanks from the College Principal, Michael Davies and parents.
Click HERE for our special page on RCKE Youth Work.