Our club, working with Essendon Rotary, achieved another successful Moonee Valley Art Show on the October 12 weekend. The gala opening to show off the 300 artworks even included bagpiper Imogen Akers piping in the guests, who bought seven works on the night with 24 more sold at the weekend.
It was our tenth such show - see www.mooneevalleyartshow.com.au . Located at the Ukrainian Community Centre, the event involved sterling work by members and volunteers, and help from sponsors and friends. The judge Rob Candy selected the category winners. Profits from tickets and sales commissions will go to local and overseas Rotary charity projects. Local causes include Holloway Aged Care Services, Caroline Chisholm Society, Essendon, and The Living Room – Youth Projects. Offshore projects included Myanmar, Kenya, Timor Leste and Cambodia.
Our club’s Timor Leste effort includes the Balibo 5 Community Learning Centre in Dili, with finance towards shipping containers of education and health materials from Donations in Kind, Footscray. We got in return a hearty “Obrigada barak”, meaning big thanks.